Book Coaching
Editorial guidance, project management, and one-on-one support through each stage of the publishing journey
Book Coaching from Someone Who’s Been Through the Highs & Lows of Publishing
Here’s a little about me…
I’ve been working with a literary agent since 2019, and my novels are published by Big Five publishers.
The Night She Went Missing sold in 2020 to Headline, an imprint of Hachette, in the UK and to MIRA, an imprint of HarperCollins, in the US. The North American rights sold in a three-way auction.
My second novel, I Love It When You Lie, sold more print copies in the first month than TNSWM’s first year and received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly.
My third novel, Watch It Burn, will be out in March 2024, and my fourth book is currently on submission through my agent. I’m beginning to work on Book 5.
I have a Master’s in Literature from UH-CL, and I’ve been a high-school teacher for the past eighteen years.
I’m also a certified book coach through Author Accelerator, a program developed by Book Coach Extraordinaire Jennie Nash.
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Dual & Multi-Point of View
Query MadLib
Outlining Options
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Book Coaching Packages & Prices
Sign up HERE for a FREE 25-minute consultation.
I also offer consultations and packages, depending on your stage of the process:
Query & First 5 Pages Consult: I’ll provide line-editing and big-picture notes on your one-page query and the first five pages of your manuscript. We will schedule a 45-minute consult after I read and give feedback on your pages. Cost: $199.
Ask Me Anything Consultation: We’ll meet on Zoom to discuss the publishing industry, advances, publicity, marketing, queries, genres, writing or anything in between. I’ll answer all of your questions based on my experience and up-to-date knowledge of the industry.
Cost: $99.
If you sign up for one of the packages below within the month, I’ll deduct that amount from your overall package.
Email me at kristenbirdwrites@gmail.com to set up a consultation time.
Developmental Edit of Full Manuscript: I’ll read the entirety of your manuscript and give you a 4-6 page editorial letter and manuscript evaluation, listing major areas of concern and providing next steps to move forward in revising your manuscript. I’ll mention line editing issues I notice, but the focus will be largely developmental. We’ll do a one-hour coaching call to discuss revisions and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.
Cost: $10 per Times New Roman 12-point-font, double-spaced pages (200 page manuscript would be $2,000). If you prefer to pay by-the-word, my rate is .035 cents per words (80,000 words=$2800).
Time table: 4-6 week turnaround
Benefits: Focused editorial letter with clear next steps, one hour coaching call to discuss issues and brainstorm solutions.
Manuscript BluePrint & Writing Forward: I’ll provide BluePrint Guides to plan your next project. After completing the Blue Print (which will vary from one week to one month, depending on your pace), you’ll write 8-12 pages a week. I’ll return line edited pages weekly and meet with you twice a month to discuss your project and answer any questions.
Cost: $3,600 for 3 months, paid in three monthly installments of $1,200
Time Table: Daily emails as needed, Once a week touch point, Twice a month calls, Three months of one-on-one support
Benefits: Project Management with clear deadlines and accountability, Guidelines for Overall Project, Up to 156 pages of line edited and developmentally edited material, Six One-Hour Coaching Calls, Unlimited Email Response during the three months
Pitch Package: I’ll provide a one-page editorial overview of your full manuscript—primarily focusing on opening and closing chapters—as well as up to three rounds of feedback on your query and one-page synopsis. This package also includes a one-hour coaching call to discuss questions about the publishing industry and teach you how to find the best agents for your submissions.
Cost: $599
Time Table: Approximately Two Weeks to One Month, depending on frequency of revised submissions
Benefits: A quick manuscript evaluation to ensure pitch readiness, a polished Query and One Page Synopsis as well as guidance on agent selection and useful information about the querying process and the publishing industry.
Check out my FAQs page for more information, or complete the Client Intake Q&A and email it to me at kristenbirdwrites@gmail.com to see if your project might be a good fit.
If none of the above packages fit your specific manuscript needs, email me at kristenbirdwrites@gmail.com for a quote.